Professor Stephanie Baldeweg works as a Consultant Physician in Diabetes and Endocrinology at University College London Hospital and as Honorary Professor at the Centre for Obesity and Metabolism, Department of Experimental and Translational Medicine, at University College London. She is Clinical Lead of the Department of Diabetes and Endocrinology at UCLH. She graduated from Humboldt University Berlin in 1990 and was awarded her MD on “Insulin resistance and endothelial function in health and type 2 diabetes” in 2002 in London. She was elected Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland and of the Royal College of Physicians in London (FRCP) in 2009.
Professor Baldeweg has held a number of National Roles including Associate Academic Dean, Health Education England and Associate Director for Higher Specialties Training, UCL Partners. She is chair of the Clinical Committee, UK Society for Endocrinology and chair of the Joint Specialty Committee for Endocrinology and Diabetes at the Royal College of Physicians.
Professor Baldeweg is interested in all aspects of diabetes and endocrinology. She has a special clinical and research interest in pituitary disease, traumatic brain injury, menopause, transition, general endocrinology and late effects. Her main academic interest aims to improve patient care through systematic clinical research with a focus on cross-specialty working and comorbidities. She has published widely on endocrinological topics, particularly on pituitary disease and is a member of the British Neurotrauma Group and a co-author on the national guidance for The screening and management of pituitary dysfunction following traumatic brain injury in adults.
Prof Baldeweg is a keen medical educator and regularly lectures at national and international meetings as well as Patient days for UK charities.
Stephanie Baldeweng has no financial / non-financial relationships of conflicts of interest to declare.